Health benefits of Chayote Fruit
Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश: Chayote popularly known as Iskush (ईस्कुश) in local language Nepali in the Hill is one of the popular vegetable grown everywhere in the Hilly region of the North-East India (Darjeeling, Kurseong, Mirik and Kalimpong). As we can also say it is one of the favorite dishes cooked almost in every household of the local people. Chayote (Squash, ईस्कुश) is a popular vegetable crop grown in the traditional way in backyards and kitchen gardens. Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश) is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family Cucurbitaceous, along with melons, cucumbers and squash. Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश) is an important part of traditional diets in the Hills (Darjeeling, Kurseong, Mirik and Kalimpong) and the shoots, fruit and roots are widely used for different varieties of curries. In the Hills (Darjeeling, Kurseong, Mirik and Kalimpong) it is mainly considered as a vegetable rather than a fruit and mostly cooked as a curry popularly known as Iskush of tarkari in local language. In the Hills (Darjeeling, Kurseong, Mirik and Kalimpong), the chayote plants are treated as a summer annual or perennial and once the plant begin to grow, they can take over the whole garden and grow onto anything. The trailing plant starts climbing wildly over and across the roof of village houses, over the fences, and climbing out around the trees. The chayote plant does well where there is abundance of full sun that helps to yield a lot of vegetables. It is said that one Chayote plant (Iskush, ईस्कुश) can produce almost 60 to 80 palm sized fruit. It is a favorite and staple vegetable for many Nepalese who live in the hilly parts of North — East India. It is consumed in different ways in the hills as some of us boil it whole (Iskush, ईस्कुश) and consume with homemade Dalle KO Aachar (Chili paste) and some of us chopped it in pieces and cook with different other vegetables and also with meats. Not only the vegetable is consumed but also the trailing plant and stems are also cooked as a curry (Iskusk ko Munta in local language) and consumed in the hilly area. But the most important are the roots of this plant which is found 2–3 feet inside the soil and it is dug in the month of January — February and considered as a delicacy around these parts. It is popularly known as Iskush ko Jara in local language and also considered to be costly than Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश). It is also becoming as a good source of income for the families residing in the hills who are engaged in growing Chayote Vegetable.
Health benefits of Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश): Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश) is not only famous for its taste but it also considered as an organic and healthy vegetable with lots of health benefits. Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश) is rich in nutrients, as it offers various essential vitamins, minerals and fibers. Chayote is particularly high in folate, which promotes proper cell division. Due to its nutrients density Chayote also happens to be low in calories, fat, sodium, and total carbs. As such, it’s quite healthy and makes for a good fit for various diets. Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश) contains potent antioxidants compounds which protects against cellular damage, reduce inflammation, and lower stress within our body. Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश) is an excellent source of vitamin C, which serves as an antioxidant in your body. Eating chayote squash may improve several heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and poor blood flow. Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश) is low in total carbs and high in soluble fiber, which may help regulate blood sugar levels and soluble fiber slows down your digestion and absorption of carbs, which reduces your blood sugar response after eating. It also improves blood sugar control by affecting insulin. It is also said that because of the antioxidants compounds present in Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश) helps to slow the aging process by protecting cells from free radical damage. Chayote (Iskush, ईस्कुश) boasts very few calories but a lot of fiber — two attributes which can support a healthy weight. A whole chayote (203 grams) provides 39 calories and 4 grams of fiber. Fiber slows down the rate at which your stomach empties, leaving you feeling full and satisfied for longer — which may decrease food intake and promote weight loss.
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